Entrepreneurship Goals

Goals are important checkpoints for achievement. In order to do anything well in life, you must plan ahead.

What are your goals for going into business?

Here are some examples of goals to consider:
  • Develop life skills to prepare for business
  • Gain experience, whether if it is volunteering or helping a family member
  • Always build your resume
  • Plan to succeed in your business, to work for yourself
  • Plan an agenda, everyday's invest in a planner!
  • Positive income
  • Daily personal development
  • Busywork
  • Plan to learn responsibility
  • Develop character
  • Gain and grow self-confidence
  • Satisfy parents and guardians demands and desires
  • Build and outline and schedule for career development
Creating and maintaining deadlines are crucial for person success. Focus on step-by-step career development. Create a long-term goal, but do not let the idea of long term frighten you. Success is a daily process and short-term thinking is healthy.

Everyone's business approach is different, depending on the types of goals you choose, your development and experiences may vary compared to your peers. Communicate with successful professionals and learn their reasons and strategy for going into business.

What is a good business fit for you?
Study the variety of businesses you are exposed to daily. Once you begin to pay attention to your surrounding environment, you will be surprised at how much you learn every day.

You are exposed to business almost very moment of your life, from products at home, to the television, to stepping outside, cars, homes, buildings, the Internet! All that exists with services provided are all products from business.

As you observe the growing world around you, keep in mind possible business opportunities for yourself. Test your ideas and new business ideas!

Think-it-through, discuss with family and friends. Try a business club at school to test ideas with peers. Think about business opportunities in your area, which may be more convenient for you, but will also help your environment. DO YOUR RESEARCH! Nothing is worse than developing an idea that you thought was unique, only to find that it has already been thought of and developed. You must look around, talk to people in the area. Look for opportunities others might not recognize, be C R E A T I V E!

Join or create a business club.
A business club is a valuable way to get involved in experience in leadership development.

Prepare a business plan.
Accept the fact that you will need help. This process may be dainty and stressful. Consider it like studying for an exam, the more you prepare the more chance you have at doing well. You might need advice from others, ideally, people with difference experience and expertise. Give some thought to setting up an advisory board.

You will need money to start your business.
One of the most difficult processes of starting your own business is raising funds. There are thousands of wonderful business models that do not kick-off because of the lack of money for a proper start.

Research "venture capital" online, and review some of the companies to understand what is involved in obtaining cash flow to start your own business.
Check out bank websites to see special offers on young entrepreneur programs.
Explore crowd funding to create a funding campaign to engage others that can possibly help fun your business or product.
Many governments have programs to help kids get started in business.
Start your own business!

If you have thoroughly assessed all the steps above, you are well on your way to starting a successful business plan! By engaging through this exercise you have better prepared yourself for achievement.

Please, do not get bogged down with the planning of a business, the many steps may seem intimidating, but you are an entrepreneur, and many thriving entrepreneurs will tell you that timing of the business is an important component of succeeding. Often, the first to get started in business gains competitive advantage. You will learn to balance the planning process and the ability to react to business opportunities.

If you start a business, you have succeeded in many ways already. Each step in business should be considered additional success. Good luck; think, plan, work hard, and create a great experience for yourself, and your community!