Our Programs


The I AM AN ENTREPRENEUR program is a challenge designed to kick-start Kids to jump into their own entrepreneurial venture, while still in school. This program provides the tools teens need during their education so that they may transition with more structure from students to industrious and productive members of society post graduation. Our members will succeed far past the normal high school graduate level.


The ROAD TO A CAREER program educates and prepares Kids with the required skills to land and keep a job in their chosen industry. Kids learn about the skills and attributes, requirements and expectations, and outstanding qualities that employers look for but do not often find in young employees. Through this particular program, our Kids learn our standards for tools that land them their perfect job; tools for perfect resumes, cover letters, and winning interviewing techniques.


The ECONOMICS STREET program is our informational platform that teaches Kids how to build strong and personal finances. Students understand the importance of exploring career options based on their skills, interests, and values. We teach our Kids how to spend money within a budget, how to invest and save wisely, and to use credit wisely.


The DOLLAR DRIVE educates our Kids how to earn, spend, share, and save money. This program identifies businesses that are simple for our young entrepreneurs to start in, jobs that run parallel to what they are trained to perform in so that they may be successful.


The ROADMAP TO SUSTAINABILITY, Based on Online Learning Platform MOODLE, programs are educational platforms used by all modern education institutions. These online tools are how the Kids will access information, learn, and develop skills in ordinance with our program.

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